Waterfront Toronto
Canadian Urban Institute
Vision, Strategic Lead, Process
The team created a value-driven plan, solidified the approach and operational expectations for action that could be achieved by Waterfront Toronto or others. It catalyzed future waterfront revitalization and represents a community planning model with priority on action for resiliency and innovation, when technology is having an increasingly significant influence on cities.
In her former role as Director of Environment and Innovation, Lisa led the design and development of a Resiliency and Innovation Framework at Waterfront Toronto.
Waterfront Toronto is the public advocate and steward of waterfront revitalization, mandated to deliver sustainable, mixed-usecommunities integrated with parks and open spaces. Recognizing the need for an actionable policy to build on its existing Sustainability Framework and greenbuilding requirements, Waterfront Toronto undertook this project in 2015 to guide future neighbourhood development.
Working with the Canadian Urban Institute, Lisa directedthe process, establishing an International Steering Committee and a Local Advisory Committee to provide input and guidance on the appropriate objectives and values to drive the action plan. The committees provided invaluable perspective and support for local action on the main themes of resiliency and innovation in city building. The project was also designed to support commitments to Climate + (low carbon development).
The team created a value-driven plan, solidifying the approach and operationalexpectations to establish actions that could be achieved by Waterfront Toronto directly or by other stakeholders. Implementation approaches focus on collaboration andpartnerships as well as innovation through processes, pilots and smart technology, delivered through an action plan.
This work not only catalyzed thenext phase of Toronto’s waterfront revitalization, it also representsa model for future community planning as it places a priority on buildingaction for resiliency and innovation, at a time when technology is having an increasinglysignificant influence on cities. The principles of this project have been shared in a model developed by PRIME, in 2016.