City of Vaughan
WSP, Mantle 314
Policy Review, Best Practice Review, Workshop Facilitation
Recommendations and policy directions were made for the Official Plan Review that considered mitigation and adaptation in an integrated way, identifying interdependencies to maximize efficiencies and minimize investment risk.
Partnered with WSP, PRIME with Mantle 314, led the Resiliency and Climate Change Discussion Paper and Official Plan Policy, including facilitation of workshops with staff on vulnerability, risk assessment and policy.
This comprehensive framework recognized that Climate change has many implications on the services municipalities provide to residents every day including infrastructure (e.g., transportation, water supply), social and economic systems (e.g., human health, recreation), and the natural environment (e.g., biodiversity loss, invasive species). Therefore, the City has a responsibility to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adopt measures to adapt to climate change.
The interaction of mitigation and adaptation action is a crucial theme underpinning this Background Paper and CCARF. This work considered best practices relative to asset management planning and more broadly, embedding climate change considerations into the municipality’s land use planning framework.
Best practice and research provided in this paper is complemented by the Vulnerability and Risk Assessment. This assessment evaluated 32 climate impacts identified by City staff and organized into a list of impacts prioritized by overall risk where the majority (23) of climate impacts scored ‘High’, indicating significant, widespread impact on the City’s natural, social, and built environment.
It provides recommendations and policy directions for the Official Plan Review that considers adaptation and mitigation in an integrated way, identifying interdependencies to maximize efficiencies and minimize investment risk.