City of Brampton
Discussion Paper
Collaborating with WSP, PRIME prepared the Climate Change Discussion Paper and policy for the City of Brampton's Official Plan Update.
The City of Brampton’s new Official Plan was established to guide growth and development over the next 30 years. The new Official Plan, titled “Brampton Plan”, builds on the extensive work completed through the 2040 Vision.
A component of the Brampton Plan project involves studying issues in more detail, as identified through the work on the 2040 Vision, or identified through engagement with Council, stakeholders, and the public. To ensure these issues are appropriately addressed and considered through the development of policy, seven Discussion Papers were prepared, which generally align with the themes and findings of the Brampton 2040 Vision.
The Climate Change paper was prepared to assist in affirming the City of Brampton’s commitment to respond to climate change. In alignment with global action on climate change, Brampton City Council declared a climate emergency in June 2019. This represented a significant step towards meeting the City’s goal of reducing GHG emissions in Brampton by 80 percent by 2050. This declaration also aligned with unanimous endorsement of the City’s first Community Energy and Emissions Reduction Plan (CEERP).
This Discussion Paper highlights the many efforts advanced by the City of Brampton in alignment with regional, provincial, national, and international efforts in response to the climate crisis as well as areas of opportunity to further advance the City’s ability to manage the risks associated with climate change.
As one of the fastest-growing cities in Canada, Brampton Plan is a crucial document to incorporate climate change policy into municipal decision-making and service delivery. The policy recommendations provided in this Discussion Paper support a systems approach to ensure future resiliency to climate change for the city.