Plan 2050 for the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region

Plan 2050 is the first Regional Plan for 18 municipalities setting out a policy framework for growth and economic prosperity


Winnipeg Metropolitan Region


Urban Metrics, WSP Canada, Stantec

Key Services

Situational Assessments, SWOT Analyses, High Priority Actions, Implementation Planning

As Principal Consultant, PRIME led the planning team for development of the Regional Growth and Servicing Plan for the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region’s first 30-year regional plan.

Photo Credit: Winnipeg Metropolitan Region

Plan 2050 is a blueprint for a resilient, sustainable, and globally competitive Winnipeg Metropolitan Region. The plan is built on partnerships, bringing together 18 municipalities to move away from patchwork, short-term planning to regional collaboration for excellence in land use planning and economic development.

Through this role, PRIME led the plan development working collaboratively with WMR staff and established the implementation framework. PRIME coordinated subconsultants providing crucial content for growth and servicing, as well as planning policy support.

Plan 2050 will strengthen the region’s economic competitiveness, facilitate sustainable future growth, create opportunities for more efficient service delivery, and enhance protections against flooding and other severe weather events.